This page’s purpose is to let our community and members know and understand what projects and environmental controls we have in place at the Motorcycle complex.
It will also cover responses to any issues and also tell of what projects we are doing at the complex.
We take our responsibilities in the community very seriously and would like to hear from you if you feel that we can help you with any concerns that you may have.
Noise Testing Register
Click here to view the latest Noise Tests at the Broadford State Motocycle Sports Complex
Environmental Management News

Noise Testing Explained
SOUND – NOISE LEVELS AND TESTING AT THE BROADFORD COMPLEX – NOTICE TO ALL USERS There has been some discussion and confusion around what the noise level restriction is for the Broadford complex and how the testing is carried out ...

Sound Testing Map – State Motorcycle Sports Complex

Grass Growing
The complex has been trying to get grass to grow on the motocross area for several years but with the harsh conditions and often heavy rain all combining to work against us we needed to look for another option to ...